Difference: ATasteOfTWiki (2 vs. 3)

Revision 322 Aug 2004 - Main.PeterThoeny

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 This is a short introduction training course for TWiki beginners (newbies).

Start Presentation

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  • A database
  • A project management system
  • A tracking tool
  • (truth is, we don't really know it's limits!)
  • (truth is, we don't really know its limits!)

Structure of a TWiki page

TWiki pages are usually organised into three parts:
Line: 170 to 170

More common formatting

  • A blank line gives a paragraph break
  • --- on a line of it's own gives a horizontal bar
  • --- on a line of its own gives a horizontal bar
  • Text in stars *like this* looks like this
  • Text in underscores _like this_ looks like this
  • Text in equals signs =like this= looks like this
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