Difference: TWikiMetaData (14 vs. 15)

Revision 1525 Jan 2004 - Main.PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1
Line: 46 to 46
Key Comment
version Same as RCS version
date integer, unx time, seconds since start 1970
date integer, unix time, seconds since start 1970
author last to change topic, is the REMOTE_USER
format Format of this topic, will be used for automatic format conversion
Line: 60 to 60
from Full name, i.e., web.topic
to Full name, i.e., web.topic
by Who did it, is the REMOTE_USER, not WikiName
date integer, unx time, seconds since start 1970
date integer, unix time, seconds since start 1970
  • at present version number is not supported directly, it can be inferred from the RCS history.
Line: 78 to 78
version Same as RCS revision
path Full path file was loaded from
size In bytes
date integer, unx time, seconds since start 1970
date integer, unix time, seconds since start 1970
user the REMOTE_USER, not WikiName
comment As supplied when file uploaded
attr h if hidden, optional
Line: 89 to 89
movedfrom full topic name - web.topic
movedby the REMOTE_USER, not WikiName
movedto full topic name - web.topic
moveddate integer, unx time, seconds since start 1970
moveddate integer, unix time, seconds since start 1970


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