Difference: TWikiSkins (10 vs. 11)

Revision 1108 Jan 2003 - Main.PeterThoeny

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TWiki Skins

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%WIKITOOLNAME% The name of your TWiki site
%SCRIPTURL% The script URL of TWiki
%SCRIPTSUFFIX% The script suffix, ex: .pl, .cgi
%WEB% The name of the current web. Note: It is recommended to URL-encode the variable in form actions with %URLENCODE{"%WEB%"}% for proper handling in an internationalized environment
%TOPIC% The name of the current topic. Note: It is recommended to URL-encode the variable in form actions with %URLENCODE{"%TOPIC%"}% for proper handling in an internationalized environment
%WEB% The name of the current web. Note: It is recommended to URL-encode the variable in form actions with %INTURLENCODE{"%WEB%"}% for proper handling in an internationalized environment
%TOPIC% The name of the current topic. Note: It is recommended to URL-encode the variable in form actions with %INTURLENCODE{"%TOPIC%"}% for proper handling in an internationalized environment
%WEBTOPICLIST% Common links of current web, defined in the WebPreferences. It includes a #GoBox
%TEXT% The topic text, e.g. the content that can be edited
%META{"form"}% TWikiForm, if any
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 Here is an example form that has a select box and the "Go" box for illustration purposes. You need to have JavaScript enabled for this to work:
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiSkins