The name of the current web. Note: It is recommended to URL-encode the variable in form actions with %URLENCODE{"%WEB%"}% for proper handling in an internationalized environment
The name of the current topic. Note: It is recommended to URL-encode the variable in form actions with %URLENCODE{"%TOPIC%"}% for proper handling in an internationalized environment
> >
The name of the current web. Note: It is recommended to URL-encode the variable in form actions with %INTURLENCODE{"%WEB%"}% for proper handling in an internationalized environment
The name of the current topic. Note: It is recommended to URL-encode the variable in form actions with %INTURLENCODE{"%TOPIC%"}% for proper handling in an internationalized environment
Common links of current web, defined in the WebPreferences. It includes a #GoBox
The topic text, e.g. the content that can be edited