Difference: TWikiUsersGuide (1 vs. 2)

Revision 208 Jul 2005 - Main.TWikiContributor

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TWiki User's Guide

Revision 108 Jul 2005 - Main.TWikiContributor

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TWiki User's Guide

Documentation for TWiki users.

  • TWiki Quick Start

  • SpreadSheetPlugin (any TWiki, 10197): Add spreadsheet calculation like "$SUM( $ABOVE() )" to tables located in TWiki topics.
  • CommentPlugin (Dakar, 8164): Allows users to quickly post comments to a page without an edit/preview/save cycle.
  • EditTablePlugin (Dakar, 8154): Edit TWiki tables using edit fields, date pickers and drop down boxes
  • InterwikiPlugin (Dakar, $Rev: 8329$): Link ExternalSite:Page text to external sites based on aliases defined in a rules topic
  • PreferencesPlugin (Dakar, 9839): Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a form
  • SlideShowPlugin (Dakar, $Rev: 8154$): Create web based presentations based on topics with headings.
  • SmiliesPlugin (Dakar, 8154): Render smilies as icons, like  :-) for smile or  :cool: for :cool:
  • TablePlugin (Dakar, 8154): Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiUsersGuide