r1 - 27 Mar 2005 - 15:14:15 - TWikiContributorYou are here: TWiki >  TWiki Web  >  TWikiVariables > VarUSERINFO

USERINFO - retrieve details about a user (by default the logged-in user)

  • Syntax: %USERINFO%
  • Expands to: =guest, TWikiGuest, =
To format that information differently:
  • Syntax: %USERINFO{format="$username is really $wikiname"}%
  • Expands to: guest is really TWikiGuest.
    • The tokens $emails, $username, $wikiname, $wikiusername, and $groups are available for use in the format string .By default, the info will be formatted as a comma-separated list of the username, wikiusername, and emails.
To get information about another user:
  • Syntax: %USERINFO{"TWikiGuest" format="$username is really $wikiname"}%
  • Expands to: guest is really TWikiGuest
    • The parameter should be the wikiname of a user. You can only get information about another user if the {AntiSpam}{HideUserDetails} configuration option is not enabled, or if you are an admin. (User details are hidden in this TWiki)

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